Franchise World offers an ideal online advertising medium for both existing and new franchisors looking to recruit franchisees to their networks. Advertisers can also raise awareness of their franchise opportunity and products/services through our site news posts and online magazine pages.
Advertising opportunities are also available to specialist franchise advisers and suppliers looking to engage with the sector. These include, for example, accountants, consultants, finance companies and solicitors.
Please see our website and magazine advertising options below.
Discounted multi-media franchisee recruitment package
Franchise World quarterly online magazine
Full page advert and editorial in the Spring issue (March, April, May). Plus:Web Listing
12-months Featured Franchise Listing.Cost – £545 (offer limited to magazine space availability).
Franchise World – website rate card
Franchise Listing
This section lists all franchises and by business category. Franchisors can post information about their franchise offering including:
- Logo
- Name of franchise
- Type of business (i.e. fast food)
- Total investment cost (excluding VAT)
- Business description (up to 800 words)
- Photos (up to two)
- Contact form
12-months – £395
Featured Franchise Listing
Franchise logo appears on the Home page on a horizontal Slider where the company logo links directly to the Franchise Listing page on our site. Also included:
- Franchise Listing
- Video (subject to hosting/format)
12-months – £575
Home page Side Banner
This feature gives your franchise prominence throughout the Home page news posts.
Appearing on the Home page in large format devices (laptop/computer) the side banner is vertical and scrolling (left and right) and in mobile mode the banner is shown horizontally, three times between posts. Also included:
- Franchise Listing
- Featured Franchise
Banner specifications:
Vertical – 800px (H) x 250px (W)
Horizontal – 145px (H) x 800px (W). They can be an animated GIF or a static PNG or JPEG.
12-months – £1,715
6-months – £1,025
Site Home page Banner
The prominent Site Home page Banner is featured on the Home page. Also included:
- Franchise Listing
- Featured Franchise
Banner specification: 145px (H) x 800px (W). It can be an animated GIF or a static PNG or JPEG.
12-months – £2,995
6-months – £2,265
Site Headline Banner
This banner is featured on ALL pages and posts (except the Home page). Also included:
- Franchise Listing
- Featured Franchise
Banner specification: 145px (H) x 800px (W). It can be an animated GIF or a static PNG or JPEG.
12-months – £2,955
6-months – £2,265
Franchise Advisers
This section lists businesses offering products/services to the sector and feature in a business category, for example, accountancy, consultancy, finance and legal services. Listings include:
- Logo
- 150 word description
- Contact details including a link to its business website and email address
12-months – £395
Franchise World – magazine rate card
Franchise World magazine covers franchising from the perspective of the two parties – franchisees and franchisors, both prospective and existing. Britain’s longest-established franchise magazine, founded in 1978, it is acknowledged as the most authoritative in its field.
Quarterly rates: (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
- Full page – £375
- Inside back cover – £550
- Inside front cover – £590
- Outside back cover – £590
- Double page spread (full page advert plus a page of editorial) – £625
- Front cover feature (front cover, full page advert plus editorial) – £1,975
All prices are subject to VAT.
Spring issue copy dates
Editorial – 14th February
Advertising – 20th February
Published – 5th March
If you would like to place your advertisement or have any queries, please email Jane Eyles or complete the form below.
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